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Teacher Aide Sues After Devastating School Bus Crash in Bastrop

Photo by Guilherme Rossi

On March 22, 2024, a school bus carrying a group of Pre-K students traversed the scenic roads of Bastrop following an educational excursion to the local zoo. 

Sadly, things take a serious nosedive into tragedy when their school bus collides with a concrete truck in one horrific head-on smash-up. This catastrophe sadly took some innocent lives and left others grappling with deep scars.

Caught up in this gut-wrenching scenario was one heroic teacher’s aide who stood up amidst the chaos. She is now spearheading a legal battle against both the driver whose truck turned their day upside down and his higher-ups at F.J.M. Concrete. 

Chaos Unfolds on a Joyful Journey Home

Here is how it all went down: The kids from Tom Green Elementary were riding back home along SH 21 after a cool day out. However, in a snap, things flipped literally and figuratively. 

While driving his F.J.M. Concrete truck, Jerry Hernandez swerves unexpectedly right into their path. The school bus did not stand a fighting chance against such a heavy hitter; it got slammed hard and heaved over on its side.

Lives Changed Forever

A day that should have ended with bedtime stories about zoo adventures shifted to a news story no one wished to hear. Among the joyful kids was five-year-old Ulises Rodriguez Montoy, who did not make it home that day.

33-year-old Ryan Wallace, who had been following behind the ill-fated school bus in his own vehicle, also lost his life in the crash’s aftermath.

Deborah Serna, the teacher’s aide, suffered multiple severe injuries, including back fractures. Her current focus is exclusively on recuperation and medical treatments, a significant departure from her previous role centered on education and child development.

Driver’s Recklessness and Arrest

Jerry Hernandez, the truck driver, was arrested and slapped with charges of criminally negligent homicide. Turns out, he admitted to smoking marijuana the night before and using cocaine just hours before that disastrous drive.

“Driving under such influence is not just irresponsible. It is downright dangerous, and Hernandez might be staring down some pretty severe consequences under Texas law,” says Texas personal injury lawyer Felix Gonzalez of the Felix Gonzalez Accident & Injury Law Firm.

Seeking Justice

Moving forward, Deborah Serna has filed a personal injury lawsuit against both Jerry Hernandez and his employer, F.J.M. Concrete. She is asking for upwards of $1 million, citing staggering medical bills and lost wages.

Under Texas statutes, Hernandez is directly on the hook for his impaired actions behind the wheel. F.J.M. Concrete is also facing scrutiny for their sketchy hiring practices; knowing well about Hernandez’s substance misuse issues yet still letting him drive poses a huge red flag on their end.

Legal Repercussions and the Call for Safer Roads

The personal injury lawsuit initiated by Deborah Serna is likely just the beginning, with expectations of more legal actions surfacing from this horrific event. Defendants Jerry Hernandez and F.J.M. Concrete are facing not only a strenuous court struggle but also potential deep cuts to their finances and reputation. 

Beyond the courtroom, this case could be a catalyst for tighter regulations within the trucking sector, particularly focusing on more stringent driver screening and monitoring practices—a hopeful stride towards enhancing roadway safety for everyone.

Contributory Negligence: Defense and Ways to Prove

Photo by Matthias Zomer

Regarding personal injury claims, states use two approaches to determine who is at fault. One of these is the contributory negligence defense, where if the hurt individual contributed to the accident that caused their injury, the defendant goes free. This article guides understanding contributory negligence, how it works, and how it affects claims.

How Contributory Negligence Works: The Doctrine

Under contributory negligence, a defendant can be free from paying compensation if the plaintiff played a part in the accident that caused their injury. The rule states that the defendant is not held responsible even if the plaintiff’s part is only one percentage. The plaintiff cannot win the claim and will collect nothing as compensation.

For example, if a drunk truck driver hits a bicyclist while the latter is running a red light, the bicyclist is not using reasonable care. Although the driver was not acting reasonably as they were drunk, the bicyclist was also negligent. In a state that follows the contributory negligence rules, the drunken truck driver can walk even if they are 99 percent to blame.

Contributory Negligence Defenses

In personal injury or tort cases, it is imperative to establish negligence for two reasons. One, the plaintiff has to show negligence on the defendant’s part if they will get compensation. Two, the defendant can prove negligence on the plaintiff’s part to escape liability in contributory negligence states.

A plaintiff typically has to prove negligence by showing that the defendant’s behavior was below the standard of care of a reasonable individual. If a reasonably prudent individual had been in the same situation, they would have acted differently.

Who Proves Contributory Negligence?

In tort cases, the plaintiff bears the burden of proving negligence on the at-fault party’s part. That is, they must show that the defendant was negligent and they got hurt because of it. In response to the claim, the defendant can claim contributory negligence, which defendants often use as a defense to avoid liability.

The defense is burdened to prove contributory negligence by showing that the plaintiff was also negligent. They must show that the plaintiff acted unreasonably under the circumstances and that their actions contributed to the accident.

Essentially, the defense has to convince the jury of what the average community member would do in the same situation as the plaintiff. The standard of care does not consider the plaintiff’s knowledge or abilities. The jury will also determine if the plaintiff acted unreasonably in the situation.

If the defendant can successfully prove the other party’s negligence, the plaintiff can lose their ability to recover damages. If you are in a situation like this, you should talk with a lawyer who can help you understand how everything works. They can explain the rules and how the claim will turn out.


Contributory negligence states allow a defendant to contest a personal injury claim by proving that the plaintiff shares the blame for the accident. If the defendant succeeds, the plaintiff will lose the right to collect compensation for their losses. This is true even if the blame the plaintiff shares in the accident is only one percentage.

Contributory negligence applies in only a few states, including North Carolina, Maryland, Alabama, and Virginia. “If you live in a contributory negligence state, consider hiring a lawyer to help you understand the rules. They can also help you set realistic expectations for your case or let you know if you have one,” says attorney Gregory P. Fayard of Emmanuel Sheppard & Condon.

7 Factors to Consider in Determining the Worth of Your Case

Photo by Sebastian Pichler on Unsplash

Everyone involved in a personal injury case wants to know the worth of their case. Of course, no one has an answer to this magical question. That is why most personal injury attorneys have the same answer: “It depends.” You must consider numerous elements of damages when evaluating the worth of a case. 

The primary essence of a personal injury lawsuit is to make an injured individual whole. Awarding financial compensation is the only plausible way to make an injured person whole, as it is impossible to rewind time and undo the negligent act that orchestrated the mishap. 

This article explains the factors or elements to consider when gauging the worth of a personal injury case:

Bodily Harm Sustained and Its Effect on the Victim’s Health According to Their Severity and Duration

The first element considers the plaintiff’s physical injuries, the severity of the injuries, and the probable duration. If the victim suffered permanent harm, different US states have tables of life expectancy that jurors can use to determine how long the plaintiff will live and the effect of the permanent injuries on them. 

Past Physical Pain and Mental Distress and Expected Ones in the Future

This element entails physical pain and mental distress. It is essential to distinguish them because they differ. Pain is the physical feeling of a body part hurting, while mental distress is the psychological reaction and natural stress that the injury causes. 

For instance, if a plaintiff has a broken leg, the physical pain they suffer is the ache, hurt, and discomfort that they feel when trying to walk. On the other hand, the mental anguish they suffer entails worry, anxiety, and stress they feel when trying to walk. 

Deformity or Disfigurement and Any Related Humiliation

This element entails any discoloring, scars, or other impairment the victim has suffered. The extent of embarrassment related to the visual impact of the injuries depends on the injury’s location and personal factors related to the plaintiff. 

The individual factors include the plaintiff’s job, sex, marital status, and age. The jury considers these factors when dispensing justice. 

Past Inconveniences and Probable Ones in the Future

Inconvenience is the interruption to a victim’s daily schedule due to their injuries and treatment. Typically, a jury will consider the number of times the plaintiff visited a physician to know the degree of convenience the victim suffered. 

Also, the jury will consider the injury type to know the degree of inconvenience. For instance, a victim unable to walk due to their harm will experience more inconvenience than a victim unable to drive because of their harm. 

Past Medical Bills and Probable Ones in the Future

A plaintiff deserves compensation for the total amount of the medical expenses. According to the collateral source rule, even if a victim has health insurance and does not pay their medical costs out of pocket, they are still entitled to receive total compensation. 

There are two reasons for operating this system. First, the plaintiff caters to health insurance, and the guilty party should not benefit from the plaintiff’s insurance payment. Furthermore, two parties with the same injuries and identical medical expenses should receive the same compensation, irrespective of whether a party has health insurance or not. 

Plaintiff’s Lost Earnings Due to inability to Work

The essence of this element is to compensate the victim for any lost earnings they suffered due to the accident and treatment. Even if you used your paid time off or sick leave to get compensation for the period missed at work, you are still entitled to receive compensation for the missed time for work. 

The logic is that paid time off and sick leave benefits the plaintiff over time. Hence, you must compensate them for the used benefit to make them whole again. If they do not receive compensation for it, it means they paid from their end, which is wrong and unacceptable.

Loss of Earnings, Diminished Earning Capacity, and Logical Future Financial Losses

This final element has two parts—it intends to compensate the victim for any wages that they will expectedly lose in the future because of the injuries. Also, it acknowledges injuries that affect the amount a plaintiff can make. For instance, a person with a brain injury will have diminished earning capacity. 

While the plaintiff may return to work, they might be unable to perform their previous role. Their measure of damage differentiates between their pre- and post-injury earnings. 


While you may not know how to evaluate most of these elements, you can always trust a skilled personal injury lawyer. “It is advisable to work with a lawyer if you want to receive adequate and maximum compensation for your losses. They will expertly determine the worth of your case and ensure the liable party pays adequately,” says injury attorneys at The Law Offices of Doroshow, Pasquale, Krawitz & Bhaya. 

What You Need to Know About Car Detailing in Calgary

Almost every household in Calgary has at least two cars. The city nicknamed Cowtown has more vehicle ownership rate than any other place in Canada. With such number of vehicles, it’s only natural that the vehicle restoration and cleaning business will thrive in the city. In this article, we’ll reveal what you need to know about car detailing in Calgary.

Car Detailing Explained

Car detailing is the process of entirely cleaning and restoring the original condition on the inside and outside of an automobile. This is not at all like automobile washing, which just cleans the outside of the automobile. Instead, car detailing Calgary covers the cleaning and restoration of every component of the automobile. This includes the outside surface or paint as well as the seats inside.

This process is more thorough than regular washing. It includes washing, waxing, shining, cleaning, and fixing the inside components. Also, it involves attending to areas like engines and tires.

The Reasons Your Vehicle Needs Car Detailing

One of the primary reasons people seek for vehicle restoration and cleaning services is to prevent their vehicles from deteriorating. It also prevents plastics from fading way too early than is reasonable. Ultimately, auto detailing protects your investment so to say. Maintaining your automobile through this process increases its worth and longevity.

Part of the detailed procedure includes exact cleaning, particularly in areas under the automobile that are more likely to rust and corrode. Eliminating corrosive elements like dirt will help your vehicle’s metal components be less prone to incur long-term damage. Regular detailing protects the paint on your automobile from the degrading effects of outdoor elements such as UV light, bird droppings, and tree sap. By preventing fading, detailing services maintain the color of your automobile leaving it bright and brand-new.

Wax is one of the protective treatments used during detailing that creates a barrier against minor abrasions and scratches. This maintains the surfaces of the vehicle and reduces over time wear and tear.

Car Detailing Services

Professional automobile detailing covers a spectrum of services. All of these services are meant to completely clean, restore, and guard the automobile inside as well as outside. Common services covered in professional vehicle restoration and cleaning are:

External Cleaning

This service includes:

  • Washing and Drying the Exterior: This manual procedure involves the use of special materials to spray and wipe the body of the automobile. It also entails hand washing the windows, door knobs, and rims.
  • Paint Claying: Once the first step is done, a clay bar will be used to remove contaminants, overspray, or residue. You can visit https://www.caranddriver.com/ to learn how to clay-bar your vehicle. Polishing and waxing are better on a cleaner, smoother surface produced by claying.
  • Polishing: This is rubbing a firm material on paint to eliminate minute layers of transparent coat. Little scrapes and swirls will vanish. 
  • Varnish or Waxing: A sealer can give the makeup a protective layer and a candescent finish. Wax is occasionally also utilized. Among fresh surface treatments are cushion form, glass chip form, clean repainting, cosmetic touch-ups, and machine detailing.

Interior Cleaning

This service includes:

  • Vacuuming: Vacuuming carpets, floor mats, and other interior surfaces will help you get rid of dust and debris.
  • Steam Cleaning: Helps carpets and fabric surfaces to be completely sanitized and cleaned. 
  • Dashboard and Interior Surface Cleaning: By doing this, the interior surfaces and dashboard can achieve a professional look.
  • Glass Cleaning: Interior glass surfaces should be polished and cleaned if one wants streak-free quality.

Paint Correction

Another important service in vehicle restoration and cleaning is compounding and polishing. This involves applying polishing materials or compounds to paint defects including scratches and spots. This will help to erase such marks. Paint sealing substance or ceramic coating is the application of long-lasting protective layers to increase the paint’s longevity and resilience.

Complete Car Restoration

The detailer starts with thorough detail and works on the restoration of the whole car. Following that, the car is sealed to keep it free from the elements. It is then restored using treatments including paint repair and window tinting, among others.

Car Detailing Benefits

Both aesthetic considerations and long-term dependability and value depend on keeping your vehicle well-maintained and clean. Professional auto detailing services improve vehicle care to a whole new level. This exceeds what regular car wash services provide.

One of the key benefits of professional vehicle restoration and cleaning is the clear enhancement to the look of your vehicle. Using specialized tools and techniques to remove tough stains, dirt, and grime, they make your vehicle seem brand new. Cleaning every inch of the surface, hand-washing and waxing are some techniques used. This painstaking process guarantees a showroom-quality finish that is sure to grab notice.


Getting your car detailed is about more than simply appearances. It protects your automobile from the elements, raises its value when you sell it, and streamlines maintenance. Apart from maintaining the value and lifetime of your vehicle, automobile detailing ensures safer and more fun driving.

Delete Car History with Hidecars.vin: How to Remove VIN Records

Clearing your car’s records from the web is a significant step towards maintaining privacy and enhancing its resale value. This guide illuminates the process of removing VIN history, highlighting the importance of keeping your vehicle’s past confidential.

Why Remove Car History?

Deleting car history is crucial for owners aiming to hide previous incidents or ownership details linked to their vehicle’s VIN. Platforms like Hidecars.vin offer a streamlined process to remove unwanted history, ensuring a clean slate on the internet. This action is not merely about concealing accident records and service history; it’s about completely clearing the vehicle’s digital footprint, including removing accident instances and any photos that might be lurking on the web.

Use the automated service at Hidecars.vin to delete VIN history and start immediate removal, securing your privacy and boosting car value.

The motivation to delete car history often stems from the need to clean the car’s past, enhancing its attractiveness to potential buyers. By removing these records from websites and search engines like Google, the car is presented in its best light, devoid of any blemishes that could devalue it. This comprehensive clearing of the car’s history not only improves its market value but also reinstates the owner’s privacy, making the vehicle more desirable in the competitive automotive market.

Can You Delete VIN History from Google Yourself?

While it is theoretically possible to attempt deleting your VIN history from Google yourself, the complexity and technicality of the task make it exceedingly difficult for individuals. Professional services, with their deep understanding of digital data management and legal frameworks, are equipped to handle this efficiently. These experts not only ensure the comprehensive removal of your car’s history but also provide the security and legal compliance often required in such processes. Given the challenges and risks associated with personal attempts, relying on professional services is the more effective and safer choice, guaranteeing that your vehicle’s history is not just hidden but permanently erased from the internet.

Instructions on How to Delete Car History on the Internet

To successfully remove car history, follow these straightforward steps:

  1. Navigate to the Hidecars.vin website.
  2. Input the VIN into the search box.
  3. Choose the sites from which you wish to remove vehicle information.
  4. Select a convenient payment method and click the “Pay online” button.
  5. Monitor the deletion progress via the site’s user panel.
  6. You will receive an email notification once the car history is deleted.

For those looking to erase their car’s history from websites and the internet, this video tutorial offers a detailed, step-by-step guide.

Adhering to these instructions guarantees the thorough erasure of your vehicle’s history from the internet, encompassing detailed accident history, ownership records, and associated photos. With the right techniques you can easily hide or delete VIN history, ensuring a clear record for your car.


INDIANAPOLIS (Aug. 8, 2024) – An exciting part of every NHRA membership is the NHRA Racer Advantage program, which offers a multitude of benefits and special offers designed specifically for NHRA racers and members.

By earning an NHRA Competition License and becoming an NHRA member, racers can unlock exclusive benefits with the NHRA Racer Advantage program, including a host of perks like:

  • Exclusive discounts with NHRA partners like Summit Racing Equipment, Goodyear Tires, which offers a 20 percent discount for NHRA members, a 15 percent off first-time purchases at Cordova Coolers and others.
  • A 25 percent discount on NHRA.tv, which streams live championship drag racing action at NHRA national events and divisional events across the country.
  • Excess medical insurance coverage for all NHRA participants and members up to $600,000 at all NHRA Member Tracks.

A full list of perks and benefits is available to NHRA racers and members through the online NHRA Membership Portal.

“There’s a lot of advantages for a racer to earn their NHRA License and become a member with the perks of the NHRA Racer Advantage program, we look forward to showcasing all those benefits that cater to the new or experienced racer,” said Evan Jonat, NHRA Vice President of Live Events. “We’re thankful to work closely with so many great partners who want to be part of this program and offer something to racers at all levels. From the excess medical insurance coverage to the numerous special offers, there’s a lot of exciting benefits and it’s a list that is only going to continue to grow.”

For more info on the NHRA Racer Advantage program, visit www.nhra.com/nhra-racer-advantage.

About NHRA

NHRA is the primary sanctioning body for the sport of drag racing in the United States. NHRA presents 20 national events featuring the NHRA Mission Foods Drag Racing Series and NHRA Lucas Oil Drag Racing Series, as well as the Congruity NHRA Pro Mod Drag Racing Series presented by LearnEV+, NHRA Flexjet Factory Stock Showdown™, NHRA Holley EFI Factory X and Johnson’s Horsepowered Garage NHRA Mountain Motor Pro Stock at select national events. NHRA provides competition opportunities for drivers of all levels in the NHRA Summit Racing Series and NHRA Street Legal™. NHRA also offers the NHRA Jr. Street® program for teens and the Summit Racing Jr. Drag Racing League® for youth ages 5 to 17. With 110 Member Tracks, NHRA allows racers to compete at a variety of locations nationally and internationally. NHRA’s Youth and Education Services® (YES) Program reaches over 30,000 students annually to ignite their interest in automotive and racing related careers. NHRA’s streaming service, NHRA.tv®, allows fans to view all NHRA national events as well as exclusive features of the sport. In addition, NHRA owns and operates three racing facilities: Gainesville Raceway in Florida; Lucas Oil Indianapolis Raceway Park; and In-N-Out Burger Pomona Dragstrip in Southern California. For more information, log on to www.NHRA.com, or visit the official NHRA pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.

Hendrick Motorsports Media Advance: Richmond


Age: 32 (July 31, 1992)

Hometown: Elk Grove, California

Resides: Mooresville, North Carolina

Crew Chief: Cliff Daniels

Standings: 1st

No. 5 HENDRICKCARS.COM Chevrolet Camaro ZL1

WIN-DIANAPOLIS: Prior to the NASCAR’s recent two-week break for the Summer Olympics, Kyle Larson earned Hendrick Motorsports’ record-extending 11th Brickyard 400 victory – his first on the famed oval and his series-high fourth win of 2024. With 27 career Cup Series victories, Larson now ranks 32nd on the wins list in NASCAR’s premier series.

TYING A TEAMMATE: Larson’s crown-jewel event win at Indianapolis Motor Speedway marked his 11th victory in NASCAR’s Next Gen car. He is tied with Hendrick Motorsports teammate William Byron for the most wins since the introduction of the current Cup Series race car.

FOLLOW THE LEADER: With four races remaining in the regular season, Larson leads the Cup standings by 10 points over Hendrick Motorsports teammate Chase Elliott. The Elk Grove, California, native, tops the series with four wins, five pole positions, 28 playoff points and nine top-five finishes (tie) while he is second in laps led (763). It is the second-highest laps led total for Larson through 22 races in his career, behind only his 2021 championship season in which he paced the field for 1,441 laps in the first 22 events.

FIVE-TIME HISTORY: Going into Sunday’s race at the 0.75-mile Richmond Raceway, Larson has captured the pole position for the past three short-track races. The last driver to secure four consecutive short-track poles was Geoff Bodine, who won five straight between 1985 and 1986 in the No. 5 Hendrick Motorsports entry.

SHORT-TRACK MASTERY: In 2024, Larson has accumulated the most points on short tracks with 170. Over the last 10 short-track races, the 2021 Cup Series champion has secured two wins, three poles, eight top-five finishes and nine top 10s. He has finished in the top six in nine of those 10 events.

EXTRACURRICULAR: In addition to his full-time Cup Series schedule, Larson frequently races dirt. During the two-week Olympic break, he swept the Ironman 55 weekend at I-55 Raceway in the World of Outlaws Sprint Car Series and, on Monday, he won the 29th annual Front Row Challenge at Southern Iowa Speedway in Oskaloosa, Iowa. Larson is now gearing up for another busy week as he looks to defend his title at the Knoxville Nationals.

BIRTHDAY BREAK: Larson celebrated his 32nd birthday on July 31. Since making his first Cup Series start at Charlotte Motor Speedway on Oct. 12, 2013, he has accumulated one Cup Series championship (2021), 27 career wins, 21 pole positions, 113 top-five finishes, 175 top 10s and 8,319 laps led. Only three drivers in NASCAR history have led more laps before age 32: Richard Petty, Jeff Gordon and Kyle Busch.

HENDRICKCARS.COM IS HOME: Larson and the No. 5 HENDRICKCARS.COM crew will wear their white “home” fire suits this weekend at Richmond. Every HENDRICKCARS.COM home race this season will feature a unique hat released the week of the event that is exclusively available for purchase at trackside merchandise haulers or to win on HENDRICKCARS.COM. Less than 100 of each limited-edition hat will be made available. Check out this weekend’s Richmond hat here. The No. 5 team celebrates home races in markets where Hendrick Automotive Group car dealerships are located.

SHOP THIS SUMMER: Considering upgrading your vehicle this summer? Shop one of Hendrick Automotive Group’s 95 dealerships nationwide, including the Richmond, Virginia, market, which is home to Rick Hendrick Chevrolet Buick GMC Richmond. Customers can also shop from the convenience of home by visiting HENDRICKCARS.COM. The website offers searches by category, make, model and vehicle packages from nearly 30,000 new, high-quality pre-owned and certified cars, trucks, and SUVs.


Age: 28 (Nov. 28, 1995)

Hometown: Dawsonville, Georgia

Resides: Dawsonville, Georgia

Crew Chief: Alan Gustafson

Standings: 2nd

No. 9 Coca-Cola Chevrolet Camaro ZL1

GET TO THE POINT: With only four races left in the regular season, Chase Elliott heads to Richmond Raceway second in the NASCAR Cup Series standings, just 10 points behind Hendrick Motorsports teammate Kyle Larson. The 28-year-old driver has one win (Texas Motor Speedway), seven top-five finishes and 11 top 10s in 22 starts this season. Elliott’s 10.5 average finish leads the field and is his best through 22 races behind only the 2022 season when he won the regular season championship. He also has the third-best average running position (10.96) and the fourth-most laps spent inside the top 10 (3,246). The Dawsonville, Georgia, native is tied for both the fourth-most top-five finishes and the fifth-most top 10s.

CHASE-ING HISTORY: Elliott and Martin Truex Jr. are the only two drivers to make it to the finish of every race this season. The 2020 Cup Series champion joins Kurt Busch as the only other driver in series history to have raced all but one lap (or less) through 22 races. The spring race at Bristol Motor Speedway is the only event in which Elliott did not finish on the lead lap. However, he still earned an eighth-place result. Busch completed every lap of the first 22 events in 2016 before an on-track incident kept him from finishing the 23rd race.

SHORT TRACK SAVVY: In 2024, Elliott is the only driver to finish all four short-track events inside the top 10. He’s earned 158 points on tracks less than 1 mile in length this season, second to teammate Larson. His best finish on this track type in 2024 came at Martinsville Speedway where he placed third. In all, he’s made 49 Cup Series short track starts, with one win (Martinsville in November 2020), 17 top-five finishes, 27 top 10s, two pole awards and 1,649 laps led.

RICHMOND RECORD: On Sunday, Elliott will make his 17th Richmond start in the Cup Series. In 16 previous races on the 0.75-mile oval, he collected six top-five finishes, including a runner-up result in April 2018, and seven top 10s. Most recently, Elliott led five laps en route to a fifth-place Richmond finish in March. Additionally, he has made four starts at the Virginia venue in the NASCAR Xfinity Series, never finishing outside the top five and earning a win in 2015.

GREAT GUSTAFSON: On Sunday, No. 9 team crew chief Alan Gustafson is set to call his 37th Richmond race in his 20th season in the Cup Series. His previous 36 starts have come with five different drivers (Kyle Busch, Casey Mears, Mark Martin, Jeff Gordon and Elliott) with a combined 16 top-five finishes, 20 top 10s and 630 laps led. Gustafson has five runner-up results at Richmond.

HOMETOWN BOY: Richmond is the home track for No. 9 team primary race engineer Mark Ziegler. The 28-year-old graduate of West Virginia University is from Glen Allen, Virginia, located approximately 10 miles from the venue. Ziegler has been in the sport for eight years and joined Hendrick Motorsports as an engineer on the No. 9 team in 2023 before being promoted to his current role for the 2024 season.

FASTEST FIVE: The No. 9 pit crew continues to hold the fastest average four-tire pit stop time through 22 events (10.695 seconds). The over-the-wall squad laid down the fastest four-tire pit stop (9.076 seconds) of 2024 at Texas in April. The 2021 Mechanix Wear Most Valuable Pit Crew award-winning group is comprised of Chad Avrit (rear-tire changer), Jared Erspamer (tire carrier), John Gianninoto (fueler), Nick O’Dell (front-tire changer) and T.J. Semke (jackman).

A CRISP AND REFRESHING SCHEME: Coca-Cola will be on board the No. 9 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 at Richmond this weekend, marking the first time the Atlanta-based company has served as a primary sponsor for Elliott and the team. Coca-Cola first joined as an official partner of Hendrick Motorsports and the No. 9 team in 2023. Get a look at all the angles of the No. 9 Coca-Cola Chevrolet before it takes to the track.


Age: 26 (Nov. 29, 1997)

Hometown: Charlotte, North Carolina

Resides: Charlotte, North Carolina

Crew Chief: Rudy Fugle

Standings: 6th

No. 24 Valvoline Chevrolet Camaro ZL1

24 IN ‘24: William Byron’s 2024 NASCAR Cup Series season started off hot with three wins (tied for the second most) including at the DAYTONA 500. Before the two-week Olympic break, the Charlotte, North Carolina, native earned seven top-five finishes (tied for the fourth-most) and 12 top 10s (tied for the second-most). He has the second-best average starting position (9.67) and the third-best average finish (12.81). In fact, in the last five races, Byron has scored 151 points, which is tied for fourth. After 22 races, he has moved up to sixth in the 2024 Cup Series standings with 16 playoff points.

COUTDOWN IS ON: With four races remaining in the regular season, three tracks have already appeared on the 2024 Cup Series schedule: Richmond Raceway, Daytona International Speedway and Darlington Raceway. In those three races, Byron collected 124 points – the most of any driver.

READY FOR RICHMOND: Sunday will mark Byron’s 13th Cup Series start at Richmond Raceway, where he has a personal-best finish of third that came in April 2022 after starting on the front row and leading 122 laps. Byron came close to picking up a victory at the 0.75-mile track in 2023 when he won stage one and led 117 laps before being involved in an on-track incident that left him with a 24th-place finish. In the Next Gen race car at Richmond, Byron has run 666 laps in the top five (fifth overall) and has led 239 laps – third-best of all drivers and the third-most he’s led at a single track.

RUDY AT RICHMOND: Crew chief Rudy Fugle has seven NASCAR national series starts at Richmond Raceway, including five in the Cup Series, one in the CRAFTSMAN Truck Series and two in the Xfinity Series. His best Cup Series start at the short track came in April 2022 when Byron and the No. 24 team had their weekend to date at Richmond, qualifying second, leading 122 laps and ultimately finishing third after being passed for the win with four laps to go.

PIT ROAD PROWESS: After 22 races in 2024, the No. 24 pit crew continues to find success, ranking fifth for the fastest average four-tire pit stop (10.967 seconds). The five-person team consists of Spencer Bishop (jackman), Jeff Cordero (front-tire changer), Orane Ossowski (rear-tire changer), Ryan Patton (tire carrier) and Landon Walker (fueler).

VALVOLINE RETURNS: In June, Valvoline Global, a worldwide leader in automotive and industrial solutions creating future-ready products and best-in-class services for partners around the globe, announced that it has expanded and extended its strategic partnership with 14-time NASCAR Cup Series champions Hendrick Motorsports through 2029. The brand will increase its presence on Byron’s No. 24 car from its traditional two races to eight races in 2024 and six in 2025 through 2029. This weekend’s race at Richmond Raceway will be Valvoline’s fifth appearance as the primary sponsor of the No. 24 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 in 2024. Established in 1866, the company’s heritage spans more than 150 years, during which time it has developed powerful brand recognition across multiple product and service channels. Valvoline ranks as the No. 3 passenger car motor oil brand in the DIY market by volume.


Age: 31 (April 25, 1993)

Hometown: Tucson, Arizona

Resides: Concord, North Carolina

Crew Chief: Blake Harris

Standings: 10th

No. 48 Ally Chevrolet Camaro ZL1

BACK FROM BREAK: Coming off NASCAR’s two-week Olympic break, Alex Bowman is looking to extend his strong 2024 season. Last month, the 31-year-old driver earned his eighth win in the sport’s premiere Cup Series at the Chicago Street Course. Back in February, Bowman also earned a runner-up finish in the prestigious DAYTONA 500. With four races remaining until the playoffs, the No. 48 Ally Racing driver ranks 10th in the standings, 143 points behind the leader.

PUSHING TO THE PLAYOFFS: In 22 points-paying races this season, Bowman has six top-five finishes, 12 top 10s (second-most of all drivers) and 17 lead-lap finishes – all tied for personal bests at this point in a season. The Tucson, Arizona, native’s Chicago win clinched a spot in the 2024 playoffs, and his focus now is to accumulate more playoff points to position the No. 48 team for a deep post-season run.

RETURNING TO RICHMOND: On Sunday, the Cup Series returns to Richmond Raceway, where Bowman will make his 17th start. In his previous 16 appearance at the 0.75-mile track, he has one top-five finish, four top 10s, 19 laps led and has completed 99.5% of his laps attempted. In April 2021, Bowman won at the Virginia venue, marking his first of four points-paying victories that season. His best qualifying effort of 2024 came at Richmond, where he started fourth in March.

SHORT-TRACK SUCCESS: Bowman’s 2021 victory at Richmond isn’t his only short-track win. In October 2021, he led the field to the checkered flag at Martinsville Speedway. This season, his talent continues to show with three top-10 finishes in the last four short-track races. In 2024, Bowman has earned the seventh-most points (124) on short tracks, 46 behind Hendrick Motorsports teammate and leader Kyle Larson.

HARRIS HAS CHOICES: This weekend at Richmond, Ally Racing crew chief Blake Harris has choices when it comes to Goodyear tires on the No. 48 Ally Chevrolet Camaro ZL1. In addition to the standard “prime” tire, teams will be allotted three sets of “option” tires – one for practice and two for the race. The option tires are composed of the same compound as wet weather tires used on ovals. Harris also faced decisions on tires at the Chicago Street Course, where weather shortened the event. As the track dried, Harris opted to keep his driver on the racing surface with wet weather tires while the front runners pitted for prime tires. The move resulted in valuable track position, which Bowman was able to use in the final laps to score the victory.

REVVED UP FOR THE REMAINDER: Following Richmond, NASCAR will visit Michigan International Speedway, Daytona International Speedway and Darlington Raceway before the 2024 playoffs begin. Of the three tracks remaining in the regular season where NASCAR has competed already this year (excluding Michigan), Bowman has earned the fifth-most points in 2024 (107), just 17 behind Hendrick Motorsports teammate and leader William Byron.

VIRGINIA IS FOR BEST FRIENDS: Over the last four years, Bowman and sponsor Ally have donated more than $650,000 to Best Friends Animal Society and its vast network of partners. Every race weekend, the pair donates a total of $4,800 to help homeless pets at a shelter local to the track. This weekend, the charitable donation will go to SPCA of St. Petersburg & Colonial Heights. Animals available for adoption can be seen at the shelter located just 28 miles south of Richmond.

ALLY RACING PIT CREW: The Ally Racing pit crew ranks eighth on pit road for the best average four-tire stop this year (11.059). The No. 48 crew is composed of jackman Allen Holman, tire carrier Brandon Grier, front-tire changer Donnie Tasser, rear-tire changer Andrew Bridgeforth and gasman Jacob Conley.

WIN THE KEYS TO A CHEVROLET CAMARO: To celebrate Hendrick Motorsports’ 40th anniversary, Ally and HENDRICKCARS.COM are giving away a special edition Chevrolet Camaro SS 1LE to one lucky fan. Only 40 of these cars will be manufactured with the other 39 sold exclusively through select Hendrick Automotive Group Chevrolet dealerships. Enter to win at Ally.com/sweepstakes/nascar. The promotion ends Sept. 20, 2024.


Top 529*1,261*69*
Top 1046*2,158*126*
Laps Led1,19280,949*4,621
Stage Wins101082

*Most **Most (tie)

RICHMOND RICHES: Seven Hendrick Motorsports drivers have won a NASCAR Cup Series race at Richmond Raceway, the most of any team. Jimmie Johnson (three wins), Terry Labonte (three), Jeff Gordon (two), Tim Richmond, Joe Nemechek, Kyle Larson and Alex Bowman have a combined 12 wins for the organization at the 0.75-mile track.

VIRGINIA ROOTS: Hendrick Motorsports owner Rick Hendrick was raised on a tobacco farm in Palmer Springs, Virginia, which is 100 miles southwest of Richmond Raceway. Since 1984, his teams have won 41 Cup Series races in the Commonwealth of Virginia, including 12 at Richmond. Hendrick Motorsports is celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2024.

FOLLOW THE LEADER: A Hendrick Motorsports driver has led the NASCAR Cup Series regular season standings following 16 of 22 races thus far in 2024. The organization has seen its drivers ranked 1-2 in the standings eight times this year, including after each of the last seven races. Hendrick Motorsports is the only team with four drivers inside the top 10 in regular season points.

SHORT-TRACK STACK: With 58 wins, Hendrick Motorsports leads all active teams in victories on short tracks. It has 10 more than next-best Joe Gibbs Racing and 24 more than third-place Team Penske.

THE LAST 34: Over the last 34 Cup Series events, Hendrick Motorsports has not gone more than three races without a win. In that span, the team has logged 13 victories (most by five), 42 top-five finishes (most by four) and 71 top 10s (most by 10). At least one Hendrick Motorsports driver has finished inside the top 10 in 33 of the 34 races.


Kyle Larson, driver of the No. 5 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1, on the break and getting back to racing: “We got to enjoy some time off after the Brickyard win, but it was good to get back into racing (a sprint car) last weekend and we’re looking forward to Knoxville and Richmond (Raceway) this weekend. We had a good run at Richmond earlier this year and want to continue that this weekend. We’ve got four races left in the regular season and we want to make the most of them prior to the playoff stretch.”

Cliff Daniels, crew chief of the No. 5 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1, on Richmond challenges: “The goal is to have a solid weekend at Richmond like we had in the springtime. The HENDRICKCARS.COM Chevrolet had good pace and balance for Kyle earlier this year. Richmond is always temperature-sensitive, so the conditions will be much different this weekend. And we have the prime and option tire for the weekend, so strategy will be key and there will be a lot to learn throughout the weekend. There are a lot of variables for the field to try to get right. It’s a hometown track for me, so looking forward to seeing family and friends and hopefully have a solid weekend.”

Chase Elliott, driver of the No. 9 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1, on Coca-Cola serving as primary sponsor: “I’m excited to have Coca-Cola on board this weekend. There’s a lot of history with Coca-Cola, with myself and my family, and it couldn’t be a more natural fit. Richmond hasn’t particularly been a strong track for me, but we had a good finish there in the spring, so I’m looking forward to getting back there and seeing what we can do. It’d be great to get this Coca-Cola scheme to victory lane.”

Alan Gustafson, crew chief of the No. 9 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1, on the option tire at Richmond Raceway: “It’s going to be really interesting. We ran this tire at North Wilkesboro, but North Wilkesboro had just been repaved so the falloff wasn’t super significant. I think that kind of hurt what NASCAR was trying to do with the option tires. The fact that the tire falloff at Richmond is significant, I think is really good. Ultimately, none of us really know how they’re going to respond there. So, it’s really hard to say what is going to be the optimal strategy or what is going to put you in the best position. So, that all is going to be fun to kind of discover as we go. I’m excited to see with as much fall off there typically is at Richmond and how valuable new tires are, how it’s going to work with the variable of the option tire. I think it’s going to be cool. We’ll see.”

William Byron, driver of the No. 24 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1, on tire options at Richmond Raceway: “We have had some really good runs at Richmond (Raceway) lately and I think we are in a good position to continue that this weekend. The option tires are going to possibly throw a new wrench in things, but with everyone in the same boat, the playing field is even. Getting the most out of practice on Saturday will be crucial to prepare strategy-wise for Sunday. I’m interested to see how it will play out and hopefully we come out on the good end of it.”

Rudy Fugle, crew chief of the No. 24 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1, on the importance of practice at Richmond Raceway: “Practice is going to be even more crucial this weekend at Richmond (Raceway) than it has been all season with the different tire options. While we ran the option tires at North Wilkesboro Speedway for the All-Star Race, we don’t think that they will run the same at Richmond given the difference in racing surfaces. Even with the unknowns, we have a lot of strategy options that we can plan ahead of time and then once we have practice on Saturday, we can adjust from there before Sunday.”

Alex Bowman, driver of the No. 48 Ally Chevrolet Camaro ZL1, on racing at Richmond Raceway: “It’s been refreshing to have the Olympic break … but I’m certainly ready to get back racing. It’s always nice to compete at Richmond (Raceway). We got a win there back in 2021 and this spring Blake (Harris) and I qualified well. I think we learned a few things and hopefully we can use that knowledge to perform well this Sunday in the night race.”

Blake Harris, crew chief of the No. 48 Ally Chevrolet Camaro ZL1, on the summer race and tire choice at Richmond Raceway: “I thought we had a pretty good No. 48 Ally Chevrolet Camaro in the spring Richmond race. We had a really good Saturday and qualified well. I’m looking forward to this weekend and fine tuning some things that we think we have found to improve since then. The option tire will certainly be interesting. There are not enough tires to the point that you would have to run them. It looks like Saturday is clearing up but we should get some practice on it and see how it runs.”

What To Do When You’ve Suffered a Personal Injury

Photo by Mae Dulay on Unsplash

Victims of personal injuries may have the legal right to seek compensation for their injuries if the injuries result from the actions of another person. 

However, obtaining compensation requires understanding specific legal requirements and procedures, a daunting task for many. This offers an informative guide on navigating compensation after a personal injury, so keep reading to learn more.

Seek Medical Attention

Prioritize getting timely medical attention, regardless of the perceived severity of your injuries. Some injuries may not show immediately, and you do not want to put your life at risk. 

“Medical treatment not only safeguards your life but also eliminates potential treatment gaps that would complicate your claim. It’s easier to link your injuries directly to the accident when immediate medical attention is sought,” says attorney Lawrence J. Buckfire

Additionally, medical documentation provides essential evidence when filing a claim, such as the extent of your injuries from the scene and aiding in establishing a clear connection between the accident and the harm suffered. 

Report Your Accidents

Different types of accidents may require reporting to various authorities or entities, and these requirements can also vary by state. For instance, some jurisdictions might necessitate reporting traffic accidents to the police, while others may not. 

Specific incidents such as slip and fall, medical malpractice, or workplace accidents require reporting to particular regulatory authorities. Always promptly notify your insurance company about the accident. 

Given the complexity and variability of reporting requirements, obtaining legal advice is often beneficial. Remember, missing a deadline can result in a loss of the right to seek compensation, making timely reporting crucial.

Gather Evidence

In a personal injury case, evidence is paramount to proving negligence and attributing fault. This proof comes in various forms: photographs of the accident scene, video surveillance, eyewitness testimonies, police reports, and medical records. 

Some of these, such as security footage, may require legal assistance to retrieve. A lawyer can also help in gathering tacit evidence like expert testimonies, which can aid in establishing the severity of injuries and their impact on your life. 

Avoid Social Media

In the wake of a personal injury, the instinct to share your experience on social media is natural. However, posting about your accident can potentially harm your claim. Opposing lawyers can exploit public posts, twisting your words or images to undermine your case or even question the severity of your injuries. 

For example, an innocent post about going out or attending an event could be misconstrued as evidence that your injuries aren’t as severe as you claim. Legal counsel can guide you in avoiding unintentionally jeopardizing your case. As a rule, it’s safest to limit your social media activity until your claim is settled.

Hire a Lawyer

While navigating some personal injury cases without legal representation is possible, it’s generally not advisable. An experienced lawyer offers a thorough understanding of the law, negotiation skills, and the ability to evaluate the worth of your claim accurately. 

The severity of your injuries is a critical factor when deciding whether or not to hire a lawyer. However, the decision to hire or not should be made in consultation with a lawyer. 

Many personal injury lawyers charge a contingency fee on the payout, which influences a lawyer’s decision to pursue or not a claim, as they consider the potential compensation before agreeing to represent you. So, if they advise on hiring a lawyer, get one.


2023 Top Fuel champion Doug Kalitta

INDIANAPOLIS (Aug. 8, 2024) – For the third consecutive year, the NHRA Mission Foods Drag Racing Series Awards Ceremony is headed to the Pechanga Resort Casino in the heart of scenic Southern California Wine Country.

The 2024 ceremony will take place on Monday, Nov. 18 following the final race of the season and the Countdown to the Championship, the In-N-Out Burger NHRA Finals, which takes place Nov. 14-17 at In-N-Out Burger Pomona Dragstrip.

“We’re so fortunate to have a pillar of the enormous auto racing community right here in Southern California. The Temecula Valley is our ancestral homeland and we at Pechanga look forward to welcoming the National Hot Rod Association back to celebrate the best of the best of their sport this fall. NHRA awards event attendees will enjoy Four Diamond luxury, and we’re adding even more surprises for fans at Pechanga and at local races,” said Ken Perez, President of the Pechanga Development Corporation.

The invitation-only black-tie affair will celebrate the 2024 world champions in Top Fuel, Funny Car, Pro Stock and Pro Stock Motorcycle, as well as honor the 2024 NHRA Rookie of the Year, Lifetime Achievement Award winner and the crew of the year in each professional category. The event starts with a pre-event cocktail reception at 5 p.m. and formal sit-down dinner at 6 p.m., and the awards ceremony begins at 7 p.m. The official after party will conclude the evening’s festivities and all activities will take place in the spacious and exquisite Pechanga Summit Ballroom.

Champions in the NHRA Lucas Oil Drag Racing Series will be honored from 4-5 p.m. at the Eagle’s Nest at Pechanga Resort Casino before joining the activities at the NHRA Mission Foods Drag Racing Series Awards Ceremony, where they will also be recognized.

Pechanga Resort Casino will also have an exclusive resort offer available for fans during the 59th annual In-N-Out Burger NHRA Finals, as the NHRA closes out the 2024 season with an incredible event and a memorable awards ceremony.

Located just 60 miles south of In-N-Out Burger Pomona Dragstrip, Pechanga Resort Casino is the largest resort/casino on the West Coast and is nestled in Temecula Valley’s picturesque Southern California Wine Country.

Offering the closest experience to Las Vegas any visitor can get, the top-rated resort, which was named the top casino in California and “Best U.S. Casino” by USA Today, offers AAA Four-Diamond comfort and amenities in its 1,100 spacious guest rooms and suites, a wide variety of fine dining options, an award-winning 18-hole golf course, spa services, wine tasting, and more than 3,500 slot machines, tables games and poker rooms.

Pechanga Resort Casino is also nominated for the ninth time in USA Today’s 10Best.com Readers’ Poll for the Best Casino Outside of Las Vegas. Fans and race teams are can visit Pechanga.com/vote everyday through Aug. 26 to cast a vote for Pechanga Resort Casino.

“We are extremely excited to return to Pechanga Resort Casino and celebrate our NHRA Mission Foods Drag Racing Series champions and top-10 finishers,” said Evan Jonat, NHRA Vice President of Live Events. “Pechanga Resort Casino has been a wonderful partner the last two years, and our drivers and race teams have enjoyed an awesome experience there. It’s provided a terrific setting to honor our competitors and we look forward to another great awards ceremony in 2024.”

Highlights from the 2024 NHRA Mission Foods Drag Racing Series Awards Ceremony will be available on the NHRA YouTube page, as well as photos and interviews on the red carpet before the ceremony on NHRA’s social media pages.

About Pechanga Resort Casino

Pechanga Resort Casino offers one of the largest and most expansive resort/casino experiences anywhere in the United States. Voted the Best Casino Outside of Las Vegas by Newsweek, Best Casino in the West by USA TODAY 10Best.com and rated a Four Diamond property by AAA since 2002, Pechanga Resort Casino provides an unparalleled getaway, whether for the day or for an extended luxury stay. Pechanga offers 5,500 of the hottest slots, table games, world-class entertainment, 1,100 hotel rooms, dining, spa and golf at Journey at Pechanga, Pechanga Resort Casino features a destination unmatched in California. Pechanga Resort Casino is owned and operated by the Pechanga Band of Indians. For more information, call toll free (877) 711-2946 or visit pechanga.com. Follow Pechanga Resort Casino on Facebook, Instagram and on X @PechangaCasino.

About Mission Foods

MISSION®, owned by GRUMA, S.A.B. de C.V., is the world’s leading brand for tortillas and wraps. MISSION® is also globally renowned for flatbreads, dips, salsas and Mexican food products. With presence in over 112 countries, MISSION® products are suited to the lifestyles and the local tastes of each country. With innovation and customer needs in mind, MISSION® focuses on the highest quality, authentic flavors, and providing healthy options that families and friends can enjoy together. For more information, please visit https://www.missionfoods.com/

About NHRA

NHRA is the primary sanctioning body for the sport of drag racing in the United States. NHRA presents 20 national events featuring the NHRA Mission Foods Drag Racing Series and NHRA Lucas Oil Drag Racing Series, as well as the Congruity NHRA Pro Mod Drag Racing Series presented by LearnEV+, NHRA Flexjet Factory Stock Showdown™, NHRA Holley EFI Factory X and Johnson’s Horsepowered Garage NHRA Mountain Motor Pro Stock at select national events. NHRA provides competition opportunities for drivers of all levels in the NHRA Summit Racing Series and NHRA Street Legal™. NHRA also offers the NHRA Jr. Street® program for teens and the Summit Racing Jr. Drag Racing League® for youth ages 5 to 17. With 110 Member Tracks, NHRA allows racers to compete at a variety of locations nationally and internationally. NHRA’s Youth and Education Services® (YES) Program reaches over 30,000 students annually to ignite their interest in automotive and racing related careers. NHRA’s streaming service, NHRA.tv®, allows fans to view all NHRA national events as well as exclusive features of the sport. In addition, NHRA owns and operates three racing facilities: Gainesville Raceway in Florida; Lucas Oil Indianapolis Raceway Park; and In-N-Out Burger Pomona Dragstrip in Southern California. For more information, log on to www.NHRA.com, or visit the official NHRA pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.

The Importance of Establishing Witness Credibility in Personal Injury Trials


The dynamics of Pennsylvania personal injury law are complex and require competence and detailed knowledge to navigate them. For a personal injury trial to go in the plaintiff’s favor, the judge or jury must believe their witnesses’ testimony. Therefore, if you have an ongoing case, you must understand your witnesses’ critical role in its success.

More so, the statements of your witnesses can significantly impact how the case turns out. In this blog, therefore, we will talk about why witness credibility is crucial and how it is established in personal injury trials.

How Important Is Witness Credibility to Your Case?

The primary aim of personal injury laws in several states like Pennsylvania is to compensate individuals who are victims of the negligence or wrongdoing of another and have their lives affected. However, before it can render compensation decisions, the court must investigate all available evidence, which includes eyewitness testimony. That means the court must find your witness credible, or it will disregard their testimony or treat it as fraudulent – or unreliable.

When you decide to take legal action after an accident that resulted in injuries, witness testimony is crucial. It becomes the cornerstone that the court uses to establish the legitimacy of your case. Therefore, the immense significance of the testimony of credible witnesses under oath during a trial or pretrial disposition must be considered.

Credible witnesses’ testimony can influence a case’s outcome and the likelihood of receiving certain settlements. In Pennsylvania, having dependable witnesses can be the difference between a favorable resolution and a decision that does not uphold rightful justice.

How a Pennsylvania Court Establishes Witness Credibility

Judges and juries optimize subjective and objective measures of dependability to establish witness credibility in personal injury trials. In subjective impressions, jurors mentally judge a witness through their attitudes or common knowledge about people like them. For example, if the witness tends to forget things, they would expect inconsistencies in their testimony.

On the other hand, objective measures include physical evidence like pictures and video footage that contradict a reliable witness’s testimony. In assessing the credibility of a potential witness in a trial, a Pennsylvania court will consider the following categories of factors:

  • Capacity
  • Bias
  • Consistency


The jury will consider any impairments, such as hearing loss or memory problems, that could impede the potential witness’s ability to convey information accurately. It will also consider whether the potential witness appears sleepy or vigilant during interrogation.


Another aspect that the court will consider to determine the credibility of a witness is their perception of things. That is, they will consider whether or not the witness has a personal interest in the case. Is the witness related to one of the parties, or have they been guaranteed something for their testimony?


To judge the witness’s credibility, the court will check if their story is consistent with other evidence, like medical records. Also, it will check if they are consistent in their response when questioned – that is, do they consistently give the same response? “A major thing the court looks out for, but many are unaware of, is that it checks to see if there are discrepancies between testimonies in a written statement and court and what could account for them,” says Attorney Geoff Brown of Bordas and Bordas Attorneys, PLLC.


The success of a personal injury trial in Pennsylvania depends on several factors, one of which is witness credibility. If you want to win your case, you cannot treat the testimony of your witnesses with levity. A slight discrepancy in their testimony could mean less compensation or get the entire case thrown out.