Talladega Sweetens The Pot

In the world of the tandem draft, Talladega just sweetened the pot with $100,000 bonus, to be paid to the driver who takes the lead the most number of times throughout the race at the 100th lead change at the the Good Sam Club 500. In case of a tie they will go to laps led to break it. If there is still a tie the money will be split between the two drivers that are tied.

[media-credit name=”talladegasuperspeedway.com” align=”alignright” width=”300″][/media-credit]The rule change with the larger restrictor plate and the pop off value, won’t make a big difference in the way they race at Talladega according to Brad Keselowski. But Kurt Busch does think it will change the way that mid pack runners race. He stated that he felt that it would intensify the race and the intensity with which everyone approaches the race.

It is interesting to note that the bonus is not covered by a sponsor and is being paid by Talladega Speedway itself and is not covered by an insurance policy. It is an actual cash bonus from Talladega Speedway.

The past three races at Talladega saw 87 and 88 lead changes, which is the NASCAR record.Talladego also holds the NASCAR records for leaders with 29, and fastest average race speed of 188.354 mph and the fastest Qualifying speed of 212.809.

“We believe that this will add to the excitement of the race at Talladega. We already have the most exciting racing in Nascar.” stated the Chairman of Talladega Speedway, Grant Lynch,. “This is is just going to add to it. Our fans look forward to seeing a lot of lead changes. It makes sense to put an extra incentive on giving our fans what they want. The new rules package, that includes a larger restrictor plate opening, should give drivers the opportunity to really mix it up and pass even more in traffic.This is going to be an exciting race on Oct. 23rd and we look forward to potentially setting another NASCAR record.”

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of SpeedwayMedia.com


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