A brake line flaring tool can assist you in flaring the brake very quickly. You don’t need to go to any garage to fix it. If you have the brake line flaring tool, you can easily do it yourself at your home. You guys may know the importance of flaring the brake line. It ensures the leak-proof connection without any other materials, which prevents your brake from failing.
However, here we will conduct a detailed discussion on how to use a brake line flaring tool. It will allow you to do it like a pro.
For doing this at your home, you just need a brake line flaring tool. You can buy it at any physical or online shop. Before doing anything, check out the best brake line flaring tool.
How to use a brake line flaring tool
Many processes you will get different people to follow to flare the brake line. Among those, here we will give you the easiest way to do it very quickly without the help of anyone. Read the article to get the step-by-step process of using a brake line flaring tool.
Cut the brake line
The first thing you have to do is make ready the brake line for flaring. Next, cut the brake line according to your need. You can measure the old brake line or the brake line that needs to be replaced as a guide. Then, use a hack saw to cut the brake line.
Therefore, you can also use a tube cutter. In that case, you have to make sure that the blade is tightened enough before start cutting the brake line. Then, rotate the cutter around the brake line. It will give you a fresh cut of your brake line.
Clean the edge of the brake line
Now clean the edge of the line by using a deburring tool. Here, you will need the female side of the tool to clean the outer edge of the brake line. But, again, the process is straightforward. Simply enter the brake line into the female side of the deburring tool and then rotate it. You will get a perfect finishing after doing it.
Now clean the inner edge of the brake line by using the male side of the deburring tool. Simple enter the male side of the deburring tool into the brake line and rotate. Now both side is spotless and in a good finishing.
Set up the brake liner flaring tool
It is time to set up the brake line tool. You will get four particular tools in the brake line flaring toolbox: pressure die clamp, die block, wrench, and four metric thread adapters.
Now take the die block and set the brake line in the hole of the die block that fits perfectly. Here, you have to make sure that 1/8 of an inch of the brake line is exposed above the die block. You can also make it more confident using one of the metric thread adapters that fit the brake line.
Simply take the metric thread adapter and place it on the die block parallel to the part of the exposed brake line. If you notice the brake line is overexposed or need to expose more, then do it according to the measurement of the metric thread adapter and tighten the brake line well. Ensure the die block is locked and compressed enough to flare the brake line.
Set up the pressure die clamp
Now grab the pressure die clamp and the perfect metric thread adapter used in the last step. Tighten the metric thread adapter onto the pressure clamp by using your hand. Once the hand-tight, use the wrench provided in the brake line flaring toolbox to tighten into the place thoroughly.
Next, slide the pressure die clamp and metric thread adapter over the die block containing the brake line. Ensure the metric thread adapter is onto the hole of the brake line.
Start flaring
Then, turn the pressure die clamp clockwise handle until the metric thread adapter is almost at the bottoms. You can do it by using your hand. Next, tighten it until the adapter hits the die block. When it is done, begin rotating the handle of the pressure die clamp counterclockwise and remove the pressure die clamp from the die block. Now your metric double flare of the brake line is complete.
That is all about how to use a brake line flaring tool. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this process, please ask in the comment section. If you want to buy a new brake line flaring tool, make sure you have checked out the best brake line flaring tool first.